Saturday 3 May 2014

Scatter woods
The heart would were my thoughts unwalled,
Marry to dissolve in the swaddling scape,
Like sap from a tree, the vital spirit dipped
In honeycomb, play host to my lot
That I may reap the harvest in the eternal hour
And drench within to loosen the knot,
A keener joy distilled in the canopy
That draws my breath as if to replenish
The morning dew – resplendent in the tracery,
Rustling leaves mute the silence
And root my tangled feet among the trees
Where shadows espy semblance,
Altered in attendant nature I stood
To quench and dally – copious, to trance
The unbridled tread in the scatter woods,
Like an ancient eclipse that awes the sight
To multiply the plough by the sun and moon
A wooded scape unmasks the day from the night
And baptises the fettered mind into light, Breaking
Through the finest thread of natures original shroud.
by Jenny A Jones

Saturday 1 March 2014

Happy St Davids day!

O blest ferment of holy desire
The unforgettable Dewi Sant
Obedient servant of the light
Penescoli of the Isle erudite:
‘Tis March the first be celebrant!

poem extract by Liza M Jones

Saturday 25 January 2014

Happy St Dwynwens day! Patron Saint of Lovers

Happy St Dwynwens day!
The sacred promontory: the Isle of Llanddwyn
The rood upon’t, that nod unto the world
Welcomes the penitent or lovelorn kin
Athwart the arm of the Lord:
The arm of the Holy sea, ubiquitous:
Annex of his Kingdom, acclivitous.

A ministry of love crowned in the sacraments of the surf,
Stones of a crown lifted up from the trussed shingles of the seabed,
As a shining ensign upon his land; the fundaments of Jove on earth,
An altar of living stones built up a pious beach head

For those who cease to advance love
Mad zeal would have them descend
Hither like the faithful pilgrim prove
Who seek the Paraclete divine and hearts distend
Heavy in prayer, blend auspicious
In sublunar sphere beauteous.

Extract from ‘Of his glory is Dwynwen’s story’ by Liza M Jones